Lingua GM


A range of community competency training courses across Greater Manchester supporting Mental Health, Wellbeing, and helping people live life to their fullest.

Delivered in different languages by our qualified trainers in Greater Manchester

Connect 5

The Connect 5 Course is delivered in different languages by our qualified trainers as a 2-day face to face or on-line as three half day sessions.

The Connect 5 course aims to build the capacity and capability of people to have more proactive and evidence-based conversations about mental health.

Connect 5 is focused on training staff to enable them to support their patients or clients to live well mentally, to better manage their mental health, increase their resilience and ultimately improve wellbeing.

Living Life
to the Full

Free face to face/online courses covering low mood, stress and resilience. How to tackle problems, build confidence, get going again, feel happier, stay calm, tackle upsetting thinking and more.

Our courses are free for individuals using them in their own lives in 14 different languages. Lots of people struggle at times in life. Living Life to the Full teaches a range of life skills that are based on the tried and trusted CBT approach, aiming to improve wellbeing and resilience as you go through the journey of life.

Working with interpreters:

Lingua.GM one-day training course on Working with Interpreters. The course aims to reinforce good communication skills and help clients' staff to communicate, using an interpreter, across cultures and languages.

The course can be tailored for particular professional groups and can be delivered in a shorter timescale – 2-hour course for senior managers, lunchtime workshops for health centre staff. We have also developed specific training - for example, case conferences, guidelines for approved social workers, mental health professionals and others involved in healthcare assessments and health social care services.

Life skills

Our life skills sessions will be enabling individuals from diverse communities to participate in learning and develop their life skills through volunteering and taking part on the programme. Increase their confidence, motivation and communication skills to be one step closer towards integration and strengthening their resilience’s.


At its core, financial wellness is a key measurement that determines one’s ability to have a healthy financial life savings to get you out of an unexpected hardship, a comfortable monthly income, factoring in race and ethnicity, it becomes clear that though financial wellness is attainable, there are different starting lines depending on your identity. We aim to improve the Financial Knowledge for individuals to help them make better financial decisions which can improve their Health & Wellbeing. We have various methods for people to access this help, through Webinars, online 1-1 Financial Clinics and face to face sessions.

Competency Training

The Community cultural competency training covers community characteristics, health care patterns, as well as cultural values, beliefs, and behaviours using a story telling approach.

The aims and objectives of the training will be to support the trainees' confidence and competence, by considering personal bias and culture, considering the lived experiences of others, making safeguarding decisions and managing risk, and utilising good practice tools.


Our weekly drop-in sessions are based on information sharing, advice and guidance, learning opportunities, Information and resources on taking care of your mental health and wellbeing, how to access healthcare services and signposting local residents to what’s on offer from other local voluntary and community-based organisations across Greater Manchester.

Peer support pop-up Community Cafe

We’re committed to doing all we can to help normalise conversations and provide people with the support they need when faced with moments of loneliness, isolation, lack of social support and network, grief and loss.

Our aim of the pop-up Cafés allow us to offer our support to diverse communities in their time of need. we will be able to extend our support for the bereaved and continue to build strong local networks that will enable people to access peer-to-peer support alongside professional guidance and services.