LINGUA.GM team works alongside living well and mental health transformation
community strategies across Greater Manchester 10 localities.
Find your community with us
Lingua.GM is a local base not for profit organisation providing direct
community interpreting translation mental health/wellbeing/employability services
across Greater Manchester and in particular Manchester. The service is designed on
blended approach community model, across GM to all bilingual and ethno-cultural residents
within number of different languages.
Since 2021, Lingua.GM has mobilized support to ethno-cultural groups to be
1% more resilient while positively impacting their communities in the process
Our Vision
Our long-term vision and mission is to seek data, research and learn from
health care professionals for a culturally appropriate not for profit local bilingual lead
services, with an app platform which will ender and expand the customer base,
increase public relation and boost the brand of the company.
Our professional local Mental Health, Translation & Interpreting services at heart of
the community, encourages all to be “Stronger as one. Stronger together”
Our App
This will be an initiative process. The app will break the barriers of poor communication, save time, in healthcare system and other public sector services, reducing the risk of wrong diagnosis and treatment and service users feeling misunderstood or confused or underrepresented.
The app will ensure good communication and equal access of local community base interpretation and translation service for people using, or likely to use, the services whose first language is not English.
Our Team
Lingua.GM team has over 20 years of experience in Mental Health within voluntary
sector/NHS (IAPT)/Community interpreting and translation/voluntary sector/private
Level 2/Level 3 Interpreting Skills certificate, Diploma in Public Service Interpreting
(DPSI) Bilingual Mental Health practitioners are provided to support clinical work at
STEP2/3/3+. Registered and accredited with professional bodies. (BACP, BABCP,